Case It Mobile

Case It! mobile allows access to cases via mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, without having to download Case It v05.  You can view the case scenarios, then “run” the procedures by viewing videos of the simulation in action. To analyze simulations not listed below, or to run the CRISPR or mRNA exercises, you will need to download Case It v705. Update 7/28/23: A mobile version of Part 4 of the CRISPR exercise is now available.

The following mobile cases are in the new format and are also linked to the Cases page. Cases marked with an asterisk (*) include an additional section that explores the nature of the mutation using NCBI online tools, including the Genome Data Viewer, dbSNP, and Structure (for viewing protein structure and mutations in 3D).

Sickle cell disease* (Southern blot)

Huntington’s disease*
(Southern blot, PCR, sequence alignment, BLAST)

Duchenne muscular dystrophy
(Southern blot)

Alzheimer’s disease*

Phenylketonuria (PKU)*
(PCR, Dot blot)

Cystic fibrosis* (PCR, RFLP, Dot blot)

Tay-Sachs disease (PCR, Dot blot)

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (PCR, tree-building)

Part 4 of the CRISPR exercise (RFLP)

The following mobile cases are in the older format.

HIV (Anna case, including video case scenario, ELISA, Western blot, sequence alignment/tree)

Influenza (Case A, including ELISA, 96-well PCR, sequence alignment/tree)

Breast cancer (expression microarray)

Honey bee virus detection (Case A, multiplex PCR)