Case It! Mobile

Case It! mobile will allow access to cases via mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, as well as any computer including Macs.  The following cases are available as a prototype mobile version.  Clicking on a case title allows you to view the case scenario and background information, and “run” the procedures by viewing a video of the software simulation.

We are very interested in whether you would find these mobile versions useful.  Please contact to share your ideas about this concept.

Huntington’s disease (Case A, PCR)

Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (Case A, Southern blot)

HIV (Anna case, including video case scenario, ELISA, Western blot, sequence alignment/tree)

Influenza (Case A, including ELISA, 96-well PCR, sequence alignment/tree)

Breast cancer (expression microarray)

Honey bee virus detection (Case A, multiplex PCR)


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